Teresa Jantz


Hello and welcome! I'm super excited to share the wonders of energy work with anyone who's interested. Witnessing how it's changed the lives of thousands, including my own family and me, is truly inspiring. These amazing techniques are super easy to learn and available to everyone. They're like a tune-up for our body's energies, boosting our innate natural healing powers along the way.

About Teresa


Teresa began her Reiki journey in 2009 and founded Zen Flow Wellness (formerly Touchpoint Therapy, LLC) in 2011. Her classes are designed with easy-to-follow techniques that leave students feeling confident in their energy work abilities, both for themselves and utilizing on others.

Sharing the incredible benefits of Reiki and Kinesiology is Teresa's true calling in life. She's passionate about helping people become the best versions of themselves. 

Taking care of ourselves is the first step in caring for others. Let's start this beautiful transformative journey together!


Teresa brings a diverse background, blending personal study and exploration with formal training in:

  • Usui Reiki Ryoho Healing Method Reiki Master (Shinpiden) Practitioner and Teacher
  • Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki 1 & 2, Reiki Master, and Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher & Practitioner
  • Usui/Tibetan Reiki 1 & 2, Reiki Master, and Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher
  • Usui Shiki Ryoho Angelic Reiki Practitioner
  • Crystal Reiki Master Teacher
  • Animal Reiki Master
  • Bioenergetic Wellness Practitioner
  • Registered and Certified Touch For Health (TFH) Instructor with the International Kinesiology College (IKC)
  • TFH Goal Setting and Metaphor
  • Sound Healing Practitioner
  • Certified Laughter Yoga Leader
  • Acupressure and Reflexology
  • Certified Angel Card Reader
  • Certified Angel Intuitive
  • Certified Meditation Teacher
  • Spinal Flow Technique
  • EFT
  • Emotional Repatterning
  • Elementary Education Teacher
  • TESOL (Teaching English to Students of Other Languages)
  • Spanish major, French minor

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