Virtual Reiki Circles

Join us for a complimentary Reiki Share Circle held every Tuesday via Zoom. The session begins at 6:30 pm Mountain Time and typically concludes within an hour.

This gathering is open to anyone who:

  • would like to receive a mini Reiki treatment
  • is intrigued by Reiki
  • wants to learn more about Reiki
  • already practices Reiki
Sign me up!
What is a Reiki share
How to give Reiki treatment
Free Reiki healing

To discover how to join the complimentary Reiki Circle via Zoom, reach out to Teresa.

Alternatively, you can subscribe to Teresa's weekly newsletters and conveniently receive the link in your email inbox.

Online Reiki center

Unable to attend due to a scheduling conflict?

Not to worry! Simply leave a special request specifying the individual or situation you'd like us to send Reiki to. 

How to sign up

We'd love to hear feedback about your Reiki experience.

Complete the form below.

Submit the form below to request Reiki.